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2003 News: Reunion Countdown!
Only 41 Days Left!
Saturday, September 07, 2024
Reunion Countdown!
Only 41 Days Left!
You can still send your reservation!!!
Click "More... View Complete Article" for details-
Many classmates have already sent in their reservations!
At least a dozen or more are attending for the first time!
I put the original June 20th "deadline" on the reservation because we needed to get a feel for how many classmates are going to attend the reunion. We have to get things in line with the vendors, supplies, etc.
You can still send in your reservation! The reunion just won't be the same without YOU!!!
Please just try to send it as soon as possible, a good head count helps with planning all the details.
If you have a financial (or any other) reason causing a delay in sending in your money, please just call or e-mail me and let me know you are coming for sure.
Call all your fellow classmates and make sure they are coming! And also remember that siblings and near year graduates are welcome to join us Saturday night-- just send me their names and reservation money as soon as possible.
I will also add here, that if any classmate is unable to attend the reunion due to a true financial burden, call me, and we will work it out.
And... as always... please check the missing list and send me info you have on any missing classmate. I need addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and current last names (along with maiden names on all the gals).
Thanks to all who sent update info this past week. I will try to get the web site updated this weekend.
See you soon!

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